Friday, February 6, 2009

An hour on Connex, or an hour with God

Our car was again in an accident this Christmas. Yes, every Christmas since we bought it, someone (or something thanks QLD kangaroo) has damaged it enough that 'Silver' has needed a couple of panels resprayed. In previous years, we haven't had too much difficulty coping without the car for a couple of days because the repairs have been carried out over the holiday period. This year's repairs proved a little trickier. Allan is working further away, the girls had returned to school, and I have returned to work. I had no choice but to put my trust in Connex.
It's been 12 years, since I have relied on public transport. When home in Melbourne, the Met ferried me to work and back each day, and a weekly VLine trip would take me out to Morwell to Uni. It was reliable and efficient.
It isn't the same anymore!
But what hasn't changed is God. He was still in the train with me, talking, listening and protecting. God separated me from the rush of peak hour commuting and we communed alone. While I was wrestling with the mental whiplash of the day, He brought words of peace, reassurement and confirmation.
It seems sometimes the quietest part of the day, can sometimes come at the loudest!
Invite God to be with you in the journey. It might surprise you to find He's already in the seat next to you waiting.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Path

Have a close look at this picture, and imagine yourself walking along the cobbles.
You're following a path, and the destination is there in front of you. But it looks like you can't get directly there, you have to take an alternate route. Which one do you choose?
You can't see what's around the corner. The path may end, or get bumpier. One direction may be longer than the other. Maybe the boat will get you there (not me, I'm REALLY scared of water!).
I'm not sure what's around the corner, but it seems that a journey with God is full of unexpected twists and turns.
"I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no-one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields - and with them, persectution) and in the age to come, eternal life" Mark 10:29-30.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2009! For each of you God has much in store - blessings, love, change, challenge just to name a few. How exciting is it to know that God has so much waiting?!?
This year will bring much change for our family, one way or another. While I worried about what lay ahead, God brought me a promise which I hope will be of comfort to you also:
Do not be afraid or discouraged,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Love to you all.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lorna Cooper
24.12.1935 - 16.11.2006

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain"
Phillipians 1:21

Today marks two years since my mum was promoted to glory after a long battle with ovarian cancer. Mum has received her 'well done good and faithful servant'.
I haven't seen a greater example of Christ's strength as I did in mum's last months. She bore pain that her doctor said was unimaginable. Never once did she complain, even using her time in hospital to witness the love and power of God.
I am thankful for her example of Christ's love, and that she raised me to understand a loving God who is faithful. I thank God for the miracle that she lived to meet her grandchildren, and that God gave her a few years of strength to create memories with Bella and Maddie.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Monash Gippsland West 46, 1996.............. That brings back some memories....

In my second year at uni, I lived in campus accomm with 5 other people, all but one were strangers. It was purely through lost paperwork that I was placed in that house. You know what, that was one of the BEST years of my life.
Today, for the first time since late 1996 we were all together. Although it was just a few hours, it was like we had never been apart. We picked up where we left off, reminiscing about some strange times! The house catching fire. Communicating in Simpson's quotes. Making each other laugh while drinking/swallowing (yogurt was the best). Guns n Roses followed by Michael Bolton. The 'Binishell'. Churchill Charcoal Chicken Chippies.
Somewhere in there, mainly all nighters, we managed to study!
Our journeys have all been different, but the point at which our paths crossed was God's perfect timing.
As I sit here and reflect on my time at Uni (with a grin from ear to ear!), my heart is humbled by God's hand in those years. Thank-you Lord for each of the experiences I had and the friends I made. I have friends for life because of my time in Churchill.

Is there someone who crossed your path that you haven't thanked God for? Pray for them.

Bless ya

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Great South Land.....

It's been a while, but we have been so blessed recently... there just seems too much to share. Studies, children, provision..... where to start?
Recently, we were fortunate enough to spend a week travelling the Great Ocean Road. It is with a little embarassment that I admit that I had never seen it.
I was inspired by the creation that God has given to us to protect. However, the power of God was so evident to me through the ocean.
The weather changed quickly and frequently, man cannot control it.
The waves crashed on the shore, man cannot prevent it.
The 12 Apostles were once a part of the mainland. The force of God's ocean has sculpted this world known wonder. We can do nothing but watch it.
I pray that I will see the beauty in all of God's creation. It's all majestic artwork in His sight.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Day Will Come

I had a vision a of my own day of judgement.
Jesus was standing centimetres away from me.
His eyes reached into my soul - I could hide nothing.
I could feel his pain as he looked into my eyes.
He spoke nothing.
He wanted to know why I had not been obedient when he called.
Why I had not taken opportunities to speak for him.
Why I had used excuses to justify my own failings.

The day will come when we will all look Jesus in the eye.
We will be held accountable.
Are you ready?