Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Big Boy Bed

Today we pulled the cot apart and brought in a new piece of furniture - Harrison has a bed. He'll happily tell you that he has Bob on his doona while he is pretending the bed's a trampoline. And he get's very upset that the dog is trying to claim it for himself!
Harrison has outgrown his cot, change table, highchair and pusher and we removed all the other baby paraphernalia. My little man isn't a baby anymore. It's all a little strange since he isn't two for another three weeks.

Well, you know what this means.
No, we aren't having any more children - pregnancy doesn't agree with me. It struck me today though, I'll never again bring my baby home for the first time. I don't know that I had ever realised there would be a time when we wouldn't have a baby in the house.

HOWEVER, as Allan put's Harrison to bed (again!), I thank God for the three beautiful children that we have. Bella, Maddie and Harrison bring us such joy.

And now as Harrison gets up for the fourth time in 5 minutes - make that 5 times, I laugh and reflect on the verse God gave us when praying about managing to raise a third child;
"How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to his word." Psalm 119:9.

And now (as I type one handed because I'm holding Harrison), I pray that God leads, guides, challenges, blesses, inspires, protects and grows us as parents and as a family.

Love to you each

1 comment:

Kylie said...

Hi Penny, My goodness, I remember the first Sunday you brought Harrison to church, he was brand new and soooooo tiny, hardly seems like a long time ago, how time flies! Your kids are absolute treasures, enjoy every moment of them. Good luck with the big boy bed! Love Kylie