Sunday, June 8, 2008

What a Weekend!

It's the weekend we have been holding our breath for.
Saturday began at 5.50am when Bella woke up to her 8th birthday. It's hard to believe our Arabella Rose is already 8.... where did the years go? We shared breakfast at home with Grandma and Granddad, baked cakes and then shared Bella's favourite lunch - Fish and chips.

Following lunch, we met some friends at the pools with 2 cakes, because today Harrison turned 2! Yes 1 day after the other! I don't think Harrison really gets what's happening, but he sure loves cake!

And today brought another blessing, Bella was enrolled as a Junior Soldier. She says the best part of the day was having her photo taken lots with her prayer pal!
We were challenged during the sermon to be our brother's keeper - keep an interest in each other. During some quiet time we prayed for a person God brought to our mind. Michael was greatly on my mind. Mick is an important part of our family. He and I have been friends since we were 4, we were enrolled together as Junior Soldiers, and he is Bella's God Father.
Mick came to church today to at Bella's request. My prayer is that her love for Jesus will shine and touch Mick's heart, that he will reconnect with God.

Bless ya

1 comment:

Darren Lamotte said...

Congratulations to Bella ! What a weekend, hope you survived all the parties and food. I will pray for Michael, wouldnt it be amazing if in the future Bella could look back on this day as not just the day that she got enrolled as a Junior Soldier but also as the day that turned Micks heart back to God.
I hope you got the phone call, I dropped around and had a chat and they promised me they would ring.

Love and Blessings, Darren