Friday, April 25, 2008

Doing God's fishing right here!

I know I've been a bit slack, but not really, just VERY busy.

I wanted to share with you some words that God has been throwing in our face for a few weeks now..... "'Come follow me.' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men'. They immediately left their nets and followed him" Matt 4:19 & 20.

Gonna pick at this a little.... We have been trying to understand what 'net' it is that we aren't leaving. Is it our house? Believe me, with the interest rate rises and the maintenance we can't afford to do, I would walk away tomorrow. Never thought I'd say that, but there it is.
Is the net Allan's job? That hasn't been particularly secure lately. The manufacturing industry being what it is, and imports getting cheaper...... After many years of insecure employment it has been a comfort to know there will be a pay check next week - don't know if that's a reality anymore.
Could the net be our corps? We thought we would never let go, but we are itching to spread our wings. So much of who we are is wrapped up in our church.... now we see who we aren't also.
All possibilities? Maybe all three are part of the picture. Don't get me wrong, God has much for us to do and learn and we are honoured to be able to do so. I just pray that the fire in my gut to move on is part of the process.

Finally, the 'immediate' part... don't get me started!

Thank-you for your love and prayers as we continue this journey. Hangin' out to see what's round the next corner... bring it on!



John Cooper said...

Its all part of the journey. Getting from A to B. Well, you've pretty well defined the 'from' part of it. The answer of 'to' is not so clear, only the 'follow me'bit. But Follow where? its a big test of patience for you right now, i know. praying for you guys. Hope the light to tunnel ratio sorts itself out...

Kylie said...

Great thoughts Penny, it is awesome to see the way that God is preparing you........I know exactly how you feel, I never wanted to leave my job etc. and then one day it just felt right and I felt like I was able to do it with no worries. God's timing is perfect, keep trusting in Him.
Love Kylie